Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Communist Official Advocates Cessation of Falun Gong Persecution

High level communist official and well known industrialist writes an open letter to China's leaders
By Wang Zhen The Epoch Times
Oct 30, 2007

Wang Zhaojun, standing member of the Anhui Province Political Consultative Commission, recently wrote an open letter to Chinese leaders Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao stating that Falun Gong is the most urgent issue for China.

Wang pointed out in the letter that the most urgent issue is to stop the persecution against Falun Gong and provide state compensation for the victims. After Jia Jia, a Shanxi provincial technology official, Wang is the second high level CCP official to call for the stop of the persecution against Falun Gong.

In his 400,000 word open letter, Wang talked about various "bombs" that exist in Chinese society— the damage to the environment and natural resources behind the over-heating economy; the bubble in the real estate market, reform of state enterprises and social injustice; governmental media suppression and the media's breach of duty; the Taiwan issue and China's political reform; policies of political reforms, etc.

Wang thinks political reform is inevitable. He calls on Hu and Wen to implement political reform, allow freedom of speech, free all political prisoners, open the gate to the return of overseas democratic activists to build a democratic China together, "I hope there will be a Gorbachev or Yeltsin in China!"

Stop the Persecution of Falun Gong Immediately

In his open letter, Wang says, "Freedom of belief is a universal value and is regulated in the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights and China's Constitution. However, after the Tiananmen Massacre, in order to continue the one party dictatorship, Deng Xiaoping's successors listed all non-communist organizations as 'unstable elements' that needed to be 'eliminated before budding.'

"They made an example of Falun Gong, a popular qigong practice at the time. Those [practitioners] who tried to explain themselves were regarded by the government as highly disrespectful of the authority and would be suppressed using all means." "The suppression against Falun Gong is in fact suppression against all people. It needs to be stopped immediately and victims should be given state compensation," said Wang. Wang suggested that the authority "send out a representative to talk to Falun Gong and claim criminal liability against the decision maker of the suppression.

"I am only suggesting, and the purpose of my suggestion is to end the persecution against Falun Gong as quickly as possible, so China's progression in democracy can move forward quickly."

Emergence of a Chinese Gorbachev or Yeltsin

Wang points out in his letter that China's society blocks human rights and the ideas of human rights. This is why things like child slave workers in brick factories can happen.

The Chinese government is short of support and supervision from the people and a counteracting force from society. "The current system and regime do not represent the people. If the leader who imposes and exists under this system and regime cannot lead his people to reform, it will be the biggest misfortune of the country," said Wang.

In the end, Wang said that this is a historical time to create great people, "I hope there will be a Gorbachev or Yeltsin in China!"

Wang Zhaojun's Background

According to Xinhua News, Wang graduated from the Beijing Electric Power College (currently the North China Electric Power University) in 1982. In 1983, he founded the Zhaojun Food Company that made bread in Anhui Province.

Later he founded Zhaojun Light Industry Research Institute to produce yogurt and Zhaojun Cola. The company also made the first ever "all purpose blown plastic molding machine" in China, which was exported to over thirty countries in the world.

In 1988, Zhaojun Cola won the gold medal at the first China Food Expo. The Zhaojun Light Industry Research Institute later became the Anhui Guobao Group Co. Wang, chairman of the company, was elected the standing member of the Anhui Province Political Consultative Commission.

In 2002, Wang was chosen the outstanding private technology entrepreneur in China by the National Industrial and Commercial Federation.

Click here to read the original article in Chinese

OLYMPIC WATCH: Human Rights in China and Beijing 2008

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