Monday, June 08, 2009

CCP Mandates New Internet Censorship Software

6/8/2009 2:08:16 PM19

NTD: The CCP is further tightening its control of the Internet with a new computer policy. According to the Wall Street Journal, starting July 1, the Chinese regime will require all new PCs sold in China to be outfitted with special software that blocks access to certain internet sites.

The makers of the new software, called “Green Dam-Youth Escort,” say it’s aimed at limiting access to pornography. But it would also make it easier for the CCP to block access to any site, including sites about so-called “sensitive” topics like Falun Gong and Tibet.

Those who have analyzed Green Dam say it would also make it easier for the CCP to collect personal information from web surfers—like which sites they have tried to access and when.

The Wall Street Journal reports that this unprecedented regulation has PC makers like Hewlett Packard and Dell in a scramble to figure out how—and if—they should comply. Those who’ve seen a copy of the new regulation say it does not mention any penalty for noncompliance.

OLYMPIC WATCH: Human Rights in China and Beijing 2008

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